The AXiS-64 pro MIDI controller

AXiS-64 Pro MIDI Controller

This is a professional quality velocity sensitive MIDI controller with a tough metal case and familiar on-board controls. There are various benefits to playing on the Harmonic Table note arrangement.

There are 192 keys, so it's like buying three 64-note keyboards all in one.

MIDI controls

The AXiS is a versatile MIDI master keyboard. Onboard are pitch bend and mod wheels, and two rotary controls. There are sockets for two foot controls or footswitches. The AXiS can calibrate almost any external control with ease.


In order to produce an even more versatile and useful unit, we've significantly upgraded the firmware. AXiS can now work more efficiently with other products such as Logic and Ableton Live, and can be more readily used with complex stage and studio set-ups as well as for microtonal work.


Comes with power chord. Flight case is extra.



Last Updated : Dec 3 2021

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