A Natural & Intuitive Note Layout

Can you guess why the Harmonic Table is so useful?

What is it?

The Harmonic Table (map) is an arrangement of musical notes in a hexagonal lattice. The layout is logical and is surprisingly effective for learning, playing, and understanding music.
It makes an awesome tool for composition

You don't need any theoretical analysis or esoteric knowledge to use a Harmonic Table instrument sucessfully.


Note relationships

Starting from any note (the middle of the diagram), the next note up-to-the-left is a minor third above the starting note. The next note directly above is a fifth above the starting note, and the next note up-to-the-right is a major third above the starting note.

Semitones are in horizontal lines, like the semitone between Minor 3rd and Major 3rd.

In this arrangement, a minor triad (three note chord) has the shape of a left-facing triangle, and a major triad has the shape of a right-facing triangle.

The Harmonic Table pattern can be extended in all directions, and all intervals, chords and scales have the same shape in any key.

Using an HT keyboard

All twelve notes of our Western scale fit into a logical pattern in a 2-dimensional surface.

Almost anyone can play recognisable tunes within minutes,
although being able to improvise will obviously take very much longer.

With a little persistance you'll find that you can create with it much more easily than it might appear at first sight.


Performance MIDI Instrument

The AXiS-64 Pro MIDI controller is for performance and recording. It is fully featured and can handle complex set-ups. See the AXiS-64 page.
(and pictured on tour)

Composer's Music Interface

Harmonic Table interface for your computer. The perfect extension to your DAW. No driver required, just plug it in (USB). See the AXiS-49 page.
See also Selfless Mode


Last Updated : Dec 3 2021

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